1.Burgeoning sales in Asia (amounting to pound150m, up 68% on the same quarter a year earlier) accounted for much of this.
2.Toyota reported a 32% decline in operating profit between July and September, compared with the same quarter a year earlier.
3.But the high prices for most of the second quarter hurt jewelry demand, which declined 5% compared to the same quarter a year earlier.
4.The company said profit rose to $278 million, or 52 cents per share, from $13. 4 million, or 3 per share, in the same quarter a year ago.
5.In the same quarter, investment banking brought in 12% of companywide net revenue, representing a 24% jump from a year earlier.
6.That dwarfs the $1. 46bn of trading losses racked up in the same quarter, in magnitude if not perception.
7.In the same quarter Japan's GDP is estimated to have fallen at an annualised rate of 10%, Singapore's at 17% and South Korea's at 21%.
8.American unit labour costs leapt in the same quarter, by an annualised 6. 6%.
9.During that same quarter, the company reported a net loss for the first time in seven years.
10.We estimate the fourth quarter sales revenue of our company will be 25% better than the salves revenue for the same quarter last year.